?Tis the season! I see folks are getting their W2s and speed racing to the tax filing office like their lives depended on it. *day dreaming* Yea, I remember the good ole days of $2,000+ tax refunds. Earned income credit was the biz-naz! I worked hard all year (while going to school full time) for chump change, but January/February always provided a little financial relief. I could not WAIT to get my grimy little hands on that money. I?ve always been somewhat frugal, so?I never really splurged on a lot of unnecessary things.?I used my tax refund to catch up on bills, pay some bills in advance, buy something I needed for CG or around the house, etc. But?I will admit, I viewed tax season as the grown up version of Christmas morning. It made me happy, happy! Like ole dude in the Jack.son H.ew.itt commercial.
Pure comedy! LOL!
But you know what? I get pretty annoyed when I hear some people talk about getting $5,000+ refunds. Why? Because most of them mofos haven?t worked more than 40 hours in all of 2011. Somebody ?xplain that to me please. How in da hayle does that happen? And where they do that at? I know the tax system is convoluted, but daaaaaaaayum! I?m throwing shade and haterade on every last one of y?all. Yea, I said it!?My cousin had the nerve to tell me ?Single Ma, don?t hate. You received a big tax refund before.? 0_o
Man, listen?
I?ve never received a refund that big.
I paid over $16Gs in taxes last year and I still owe!
So yea, I?m hating all day errday. Hmph! Granted, I know people who paid more, way more, tax than I did but I?m still mad about it. My refund days are distant memories and I sure do miss them. *day dreaming again* But let me stop because I wouldn?t trade places with the financial me of yesteryear to have a $5,000 refund anyway. No sir! Y?all go ?head and ball out of control for a month. LOL!
But for real, for real?if you are expecting a refund, please do me a favor:
#1. Do NOT pay anyone $200+ to file your taxes just so you can get a refund in 2-3 days. That ish is highway robbery and should be against the law! If you?re getting a large refund, your taxes are probably not that complicated. You can use one of the many online tax programs to e-file for FREE or less than $20. According to the IRS e-file refund schedule, the refunds are processed and sent direct deposit to your bank account in less than 2 weeks. If you?ve lived without the money all year, 2 more weeks won?t hurt.
#2.?Pay off debt or pay some bills in advance to provide some cash flow relief when life returns to normal. If you have 3 credit cards with a balance, pay off the smallest or largest balance (whichever you can afford) so that?s one less card payment you have to worry about. Make some advanced payments on your rent; you?ll always need a place to live. If your annual car registration always creep up at a bad time, set aside the money now so it won?t?throw your finances off track?later.
#3.?Save at least 1/3 for a rainy day. You don?t need a reason. Save it just because. There are still 11 months left in the year and you have no idea what financial challenges will be thrown your way. God provides to those in need, but He don?t bless no mess when you misuse what He?s already given you.
#4. After you?ve done #2 and #3, feel free to spend a little on yourself. Be reasonable though. If you still have consumer debt, do you?need?every Apple product, 2 big screen TVs, a house full of new furniture, 5 pair of Jordans, a new car, platinum jewelry, designer bags/clothes/shoes, etc? Priorities.
Bonus. If you are one of the people who expect to receive a $5,000+ tax refund, don?t e?em tell me cuz I might have to cut you. But?umm?err?if you want to be my BFF, g?on and lemme hold something. 
Source: http://fitandfabforlife.wordpress.com/2012/02/06/money-monday-lets-talk-taxes/
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